QNA > J > Jacob Può Coltivare E Vendere Solo 10 Verdure In Una Settimana. Qual È Il Numero Ottimale Di Cavolfiori E Butternut Che Dovrebbe Vendere Per Massimizzare Il Suo Profitto?

Jacob può coltivare e vendere solo 10 verdure in una settimana. Qual è il numero ottimale di cavolfiori e butternut che dovrebbe vendere per massimizzare il suo profitto?

Reece Cerverizzo

I will be somewhat kinder than those unsympathetic critics of your farming skills. I’ll assume you’ve planned in advance and have a rotating set of crops.

Now, as to how many you should sell to max your profit when you can only sell 10, I slept on it, or tried to, but it kept bedeviling my mind! Rows and columns of variegated vegetables kept marching across my inner eyelids and the tromp of little veggy roots across the floor pounded in my head… sleep… precious sleep, it would not come. :/


Jacob should grow and sell ten vegetables a week to maximize his profit!

(Unless he’s British, in which case he should sell that many to maximise his profit. Fussypants Brits!)

I shall now go back to calculating the exact amount of dark matter in the universe.

  • MJM, the ever-bizzy-beaver
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Come coltivare verdure supersize :: Di quanto spazio ha bisogno una pianta di cavolfiore?
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