QNA > H > Quanto Velocemente Il Veleno Di Un Serpente Corallino Può Uccidere Un Umano Adulto?

Quanto velocemente il veleno di un serpente corallino può uccidere un umano adulto?

Malachy Rizco

Nessuna morte è stata riportata da morsi di Coral Snake dagli anni '60 grazie all'antiveleno. Tuttavia, il veleno del serpente di corallo è ALTAMENTE tossico.




Una cosa da notare sul veleno: è per definizione un composto tossico quando viene iniettato ma non quando viene ingerito.

Il veleno è un tipo specializzato di veleno che deve essere iniettato nel corpo attraverso una ferita in modo che entri in circolo. Ingerire un veleno, anche se comprensibilmente spaventoso e nessuno vorrebbe provarlo, è tecnicamente sicuro a meno che non abbiate ferite in bocca e nell'esofago. Il veleno troverà la sua strada verso il vostro stomaco, dove verrà scomposto dai vostri potenti acidi gastrici.

Inoltre, il veleno dei serpenti si trova solo nella testa del serpente, dove si trovano le ghiandole del veleno. Sono consegnate alle loro zanne per essere iniettate quando mordono una preda o per autodifesa. Se si taglia la testa, il resto del corpo non avrà un grammo di veleno.


Questo è il motivo per cui è generalmente sicuro mangiare serpenti velenosi, almeno dal punto di vista di non essere avvelenati.

Roselia Oleksa

La maggior parte dei morsi di serpente corallino non portano alla morte. Quando lo fanno, ci vogliono ore, forse anche un giorno o più.

Norwood Kubeika

Two simple things should be kept under consideration when someone wants to eat or deal with a snake, venom of a snake, or its head:

A. When consuming the venom: Snake venom is digestible and wouldn’t harm you as is, because in order to be toxic and harmful to your body, they need to get in touch with your blood or tissues. However, there is a catch, and it is big, this should keep anyone off from eating snake venom: If there is a cut/abrasion in your mouth, or inside your stomach, digestive tracts, etc, the venom would be lethal for you and therefore, not digested well to put it another way.

Therefore, it is not a good idea in practice, in spite of being not a harmful idea in theory:

B. When cutting a venomous snake: It is a good idea to get rid of the snake head as far away as possible as soon as it is severed, since the decapitated head can bite you and have you dead, even after 20 minutes of being severed from the body. The killed can kill you back.

This happened in real life with a Chinese chef who was preparing a snake soup of the spitting cobra. He was just getting his prep work done, when the severed head of the cobra bit him using all its venom while he was about to throw the head in the trash can. He had cut the head 20 minutes back, and kept it aside, but severed snake heads are perfectly capable of being live and revengeful, for up to an hour or so.

Kain Quader

That is actually a moot question. The Coral snake is different from other venomous snakes in that it is a Neurotoxin acting snake. It affects nerves.

But another distinction is that it has to repeatedly nibble its way up on you. It has NO very large two fangs as the other venomous snakes do.

Back to the required answer:

Death following coral snake bite in the United States - First ...


ONLY TWO (2) Deaths from coral snakes are rare in the United States, with only 1 fatality documented since 1967. Dec 7, 2020″”””, www.researchgate.net › ... › Toxicology › Snake Bite .

  • - -
  • Toxicon, 2009 May,53(6):693-7.

doi: 10.1016/j.toxicon.2009.01.032.

Death following coral snake bite in the United States--first documented case (with ELISA confirmation of envenomation) in over 40 years

Robert L Norris 1, Robert R Pfalzgraf, Gavin Laing

  • PMID: 19673084, DOI: 10.1016/j.toxicon.2009.01.032
  • “””” Abstract ~ We report the first documented death due to a coral snake (Micrurus species) in the United States (U.S.) in over 40 years. The victim failed to seek medical care following the bite of an eastern coral snake (Micrurus fulvius) and succumbed within hours.
  • Post-mortem proof of envenomation was obtained using an ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) developed specifically for this investigation. U.S. coral snakes are briefly reviewed in terms of their venom compositions, their clinical effects, and proper pre-hospital and hospital management. The clinical significance of the impending absence of commercially available antivenom for coral snake bites in the U.S. is highlighted.

Attribution: Death following coral snake bite in the United States--first documented case (with ELISA confirmation of envenomation) in over 40 years - PubMed

Toscano Bazer

Dipende dal serpente dove sei stato morso quanto è lontano l'aiuto più vicino alla tua età ho conosciuto persone che sono morte entro 45 minuti e altre che non sono morte per giorni

Harriet Fochs

You may have come across videos of people drinking snake venom and thinking if these are actually real or just fake stories.

Anand PodcastJust explain the current and interesting scenarios in another aspectshttps://bit.ly/3gOTE4H

Snake venoms are complex cocktails of proteins and peptides that have evolved probably from salivary enzymes and molecules to immobilize and kill vertebrate prey.

Snake venom can be dangerous for your circulatory system, nervous system or muscular system. But it can also be very useful in medicine.

For more details watch the video…


Questo dipenderebbe dallo scenario. Come alcuni poster hanno già indicato, ci sono casi come il cobra reale che avvelena e uccide altri serpenti, e poi il kingsnake che è resistente alle specie locali di serpenti a sonagli, ma penso che l'aspetto più interessante sia stato trascurato. I serpenti velenosi sono immuni al loro stesso veleno. Pensate a quante volte vi siete morsi il labbro, la lingua o l'interno della guancia, e i vostri denti non sono mobili come la maggior parte dei serpenti velenosi. C'è una significativa possibilità che un serpente si morda accidentalmente, e così i serpenti hanno sviluppato un'immunità alla loro stessa tossina. Così un serpente a sonagli potrebbe mordere un altro serpente a sonagli e il destinatario non sarebbe affetto dal veleno. Questo si estenderebbe alle specie strettamente imparentate. Ora, non tutti i veleni di serpente sono uguali, alcuni sono neurotossici, emotossici, necrotizzanti, e/o anticoagulanti. Anche all'interno di questi gruppi generali, non tutte le specie usano gli stessi enzimi nelle loro tossine (cioè, non tutti i serpenti con veleno neurotossico hanno lo stesso veleno, ottengono lo stesso risultato finale usando enzimi diversi). Tuttavia, se una specie usasse nel suo veleno gli stessi enzimi che una specie completamente diversa usa nel suo veleno, è probabile che siano immuni al veleno dell'altra.

Jaimie Cadenhead

Well if they have bitted without any reason, I would have died twice. I have myself went through very close encounters with Cobra, which is a venomous snake twice.

  1. Once I was sitting outside the house, playing Mobile game. 'Game over' and I selected 'New Game' and realigned myself in the chair for more comfort. But then I noticed some suspicious object extreme left behind me, all of a sudden I jumped off from the chair. And looked back, it was a very lengthy Cobra, triggered by my jumping, it expanded it's hood and made that 'whoo' sound, and went away.
  2. It was night, and I was talking via Mobile phone and noticed some very young Cobra, with not more than a 2 feet in length, went just by my foot.

In all the above experiences of mine, I learned something that is , we kill them whenever we see them, due to a possible threat of someone ever getting bitten , they tries to kill only when it feels as if we are threatening it's life .

Snakes are very morale in these things, much more than Humans.

But of course snakes can be stupid at times, misunderstanding our activities as a threat. If educated humans can kill people with gun in the name of 'Gods', how can you teach a snake what is a threat or what is not ?. Below are some circumstances where snake is very aggressive :

  • Never foot over a snake. It will attack you.
  • Like all moms, it's very protective towards it's offsprings or eggs, it's highly aggressive towards someone even walking by the eggs or offsprings.
  • Never try handling snakes. Even professionals gets bite, below video depicts tragic story of few Indian boys handling snakes and getting bitten.
  • Play Video

Do consider following below precautions, so to avoid snake encounters.

  • Wear chappals or flip-flops, whenever you go outside into bushes or garden etc. Sound of flip-flops, is detected by snake as vibrations and it leaves to distant areas to avoid a threat. (Snakes fear us , it ain't there watching us closely to attack us)
  • Wear protective gears for foots and hands when engaged in agricultural plots.
  • Always have a torch to light , whenever walking via fields or road at night.
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