QNA > I > Va Bene Avere La Zucca Amara Come Primo Cibo Per Un Bambino?

Va bene avere la zucca amara come primo cibo per un bambino?

Reeta Bereznak

In general, most professional organizations and medical professionals recommend mild, single ingredient foods as ‘first’ foods. Fruits. Vegetables. Whole grain products. Babies and toddlers may eat or try most foods that their parents eat. The more important issue is including a wide variety of flavors, textures, colors and types of foods so your baby has an opportunity to develop a varied taste preference. Some recommendations include:

  • Banana
  • Avocado
  • Sweet potato
  • Squash
  • Meat
  • Eggs

“For most babies, it does not matter what the first solid foods are. By tradition, single-grain cereals are usually introduced first. However, there is no medical evidence that introducing solid foods in any particular order has an advantage for your baby. Although many pediatricians will recommend starting vegetables before fruits, there is no evidence that your baby will develop a dislike for vegetables if fruit is given first. Babies are born with a preference for sweets, and the order of introducing foods does not change this. If your baby has been mostly breastfeeding, he may benefit from baby food made with meat, which contains more easily absorbed sources of iron and zinc that are needed by 4 to 6 months of age. Check with your child's doctor.”
Starting Solid Foods

First foods for babies

“Did you know that by 9 months a child's taste preferences are mostly set? Questo è uno dei tanti motivi per cui è importante introdurre una varietà di sapori, consistenze e colori quando si inizia a mangiare cibi solidi.

Newberry Orgill

Non essere ridicolo. Certo che no. I bambini rifiutano istintivamente qualsiasi cosa anche leggermente amara, perché i cibi amari sono spesso un segno che una cosa è velenosa o medicinale. Inoltre, i neonati e i bambini hanno papille gustative molto più sensibili degli adulti (noi abbiamo consumato le nostre!) quindi, per quanto amaro sia per voi, sarà due volte più amaro per un bambino)

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Mangiare regolarmente la zucca amara fa male alla salute? :: Come imparare ad amare i sottaceti
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