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Come sapere quando rinvasare le piante grasse


Saprai che è il momento di rinvasare la tua succulenta quando ha evidentemente superato il suo vaso. Quando le radici cominciano a crescere fuori dal foro di drenaggio del vaso, significa che non c'è più spazio per loro per crescere. Le succulente dovrebbero essere rinvasate poco prima che inizi la loro stagione di crescita, all'inizio della primavera o all'inizio dell'autunno. In questo modo, hanno abbastanza tempo per riprendersi dal rinvaso.


There are 5 major indicators that it is time to repot a succulent. If one or more of the following criteria is met, then it is time to upgrade to a new/larger pot.

  1. The succulent is touching the edge of its pot - if the outermost part of the succulent is touching or has grown past the edge of its pot, it is time for an upgrade. If it stays in a small pot for too long it could become top heavy from growth and fall over, or it won’t have enough room to grow new roots to pull in more nutrients.
  2. The succulent is very rootbound - check succulents to see if they are rootbound by slowly lifting the plant out of its pot. If most of the dirt comes up with the succulent or the walls of the pots have a lot of roots pressing against them, then it’s time for a new pot.
  3. The soil is densely packed - sometimes space isn’t an issue, but bad soil quality can hinder the growth of succulents. If the soil becomes very dense and almost rock like, new roots will struggle to grow. Dense soil can also drain more slowly and create a moist environment that cause dangerous molds/bacteria to grow. It’s a good idea to change compacted, nutrient poor soil out for new soil.
  4. The succulent is growing tall/leggy - usually leggy succulents are caused by a lack of light but limited growing room in a pot can cause them too. If you’ve moved your succulent to a lighter area and it still remains leggy, try replacing the soil and transferring it to a larger pot to encourage thick, outwards growth.
  5. The succulent has new growth/offsets - the development of new growth or smaller plants by a succulent means that it’s in good health. If the new growth or new plants start pressing up against the sides of the pot, it’s time for a larger pot. (Also, the new offsets can be separated from the original plant once they’re large enough and planted in their own pots to grow even more succulents!)

If you have any more questions, visit our webpage to learn more about how and when to repot succulents:

How and When to Repot a Succulent - Sun Spot NurseryLearn about when and how to repot a succulent. This step by step guide covers the entire process and covers why succulents need a new pot.https://www.sunspotnursery.com/how-and-when-to-repot-a-succulent/

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Quanto spesso bisogna innaffiare le piante grasse? :: Come innaffiare una succulenta
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