QNA > H > Come È Collegato Il Sedano Al Testosterone?

Come è collegato il sedano al testosterone?


Celery cytoplasm contains androstenone and androstenol, which are also found in humans and other mammals. In mammals, these may act as pheromones exciting sexual receptivity in females when emitted in the sweat of the male. They may also stimulate the male mammal emitting the pheromone to produce more testosterone. Some sources I’ve looked at state this is certainly the case, and others state it isn’t proven, yet, at least regarding humans. Here are some links:

Celery Pheromones - Aphrodisiac Effects of Celery

Foods That Make Men More Sexually Attractive | Eat This Not That


5 Foods To Boost Testosterone

Celery also contains a significant amount of vitamin K and boron. Higher levels of vitamin K may support higher testosterone production. Boron reduces the effects of estrogens (therefore indirectly increasing the influence of testosterone in the body) and reduces the amount of sex-hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) which binds and deactivates testosterone in the blood. Here are some links on the topic:

Sodium Content of Celery Seed

Boron: The Anti-Estrogen Mineral Also Found To Lower SHBG Naturally | Anabolic Men

By the way, it shouldn’t be considered strange that a plant contains chemicals identical to those which function in an animal as a pheromone. In the broadest perspective, plants and animals have to be made mostly of the same materials, particularly proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and essential elements, otherwise how would we consume each other and find nourishment in doing so? In a narrower perspective, plants contain antioxidants and other phytochemicals which support the health of humans and other animals. Inoltre, anche se i principi attivi di varie erbe e altri rimedi botanici possono essere stati sintetizzati dalla pianta per i suoi usi, essi interagiscono anche in modo benefico con i tessuti umani. È solo un piccolo salto verso una pianta che contiene una sostanza che funziona come un feromone o un ormone. Sapevi che una parte del pino, il polline in particolare, contiene grandi quantità di testosterone, bio-identico apparentemente a quello che si trova nell'uomo e in altri mammiferi?

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