QNA > W > Quali Precauzioni O Misure Di Sicurezza In Più Prendono Gli Agenti Di Polizia Nelle Loro Case, Date Le Loro Esperienze?

Quali precauzioni o misure di sicurezza in più prendono gli agenti di polizia nelle loro case, date le loro esperienze?


My grandchildren are 8, 2.5 and 4 months old. And their friends come over to play at our house now and then, so ....

I lock my guns up.
I do not let my grandchildren out of my sight for a moment within 20 feet of my pool.
I lock my guns up.
No household cleaners, hair irons or glass/sharp objects within reach on countertops.
I lock my guns up.
Everyone in seatbelts/car seats or the car does not even start.
I lock my guns up.
We hold hands walking down the stairs.
I lock my guns up.
The TV is wall mounted.
I lock my guns up.
Unused electrical outlets are plugged.
I lock my guns up.
Floor level kitchen cabinets which hold breakables are secured with safety locks.
I lock my guns up.
No potential hanging nooses within 5 feet of the ground (curtain/venetian blind cords, dog leashes, ropes/cords).
I lock my guns up.
Pool chemicals, fertilizers, gasoline, motor oil, etc., are high up on shelves in the garage.
I lock my guns up.
The decks leading to the pool have locking gates that require an adult's dexterity to open. No one accidentally gets to the pool deck even when the pool is covered in the off-season.

Almost forgot...I lock my guns up.

My grandchildren are more precious to me than my life. Protecting my stuff is a remote consideration by comparison.

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