QNA > W > Cosa C'è Nell'area Australiana Che Ha Permesso Agli Incendi Del Bush Di Andare Così Fuori Controllo?

Cosa c'è nell'area australiana che ha permesso agli incendi del bush di andare così fuori controllo?


What is it about the Australian area that allowed the bush fires to get so out of control?

The natural state of a bushfire is out-of-control. Bushfires have to be addressed before they reach out-of-control otherwise they are impossible to control in the short term.

Why has this phenomenon become so bad of late? Australia is largely a very hot country, a very dry country, with eucalyptus trees and

  1. Global warming has raised temperatures, dried the climate and detrimentally affected wind patterns and strengths.
  2. Deforestation has also raised temperatures, dried the climate by removing cooling protection.
  3. Rainfall has decreased markedly due to the above points and this has led to the greater absence of rain as an extinguisher.
  4. Immigration has led to the more than doubling of the population and that has led to the exhaustion of water supplies and the availability of water to fight fires or simply provide green vegetation.
  5. Politically, governments have not recognised all of the above. As well they haven’t provided sufficient funds for firefighting.
  6. The widespread belief in the benefits of the practice of back-burning has contributed to a lack of real bushfire containment procedures. In a bushfire, a firebreak, a road and a padlock provide no barrier to a raging bushfire. Either does back- burning.
  7. Real containment procedures are needed. The most basic of these are firebreaks that will withstand a raging bushfire. This means giving over a lot of land to containment away from agriculture.
  8. Water management needs to address fire management as well as agricultural needs. Per esempio le grandi fasce tagliafuoco sezionali potrebbero essere potenzialmente irrigate quando necessario.
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