QNA > W > Cosa Mangiano Gli Scoiattoli Del Tuo Giardino?

Cosa mangiano gli scoiattoli del tuo giardino?


From a store named, Southern States,

I buy very large bags of unsalted, in-the-shell peanuts,

and spread them along the yard next to my back fence.

The squirrels are SO happy to find that food. They gather it, eat some,

and then bury some for one of two reasons, which are:

  1. To dig them up and eat them later. OR,
  2. To plant them, so that they will bloom out and grow and produce even more peanuts. Basically, they are becoming farmers, and are growing their own crops.
  3. In nature, if the squirrels don’t dig up all of the peanuts, some will grow into a peanut plant, and provide more food for them.
  4. In addition, Blue Jays LOVE peanuts. The will also fly down, pick up a peanut, fly into a tree and beat that peanut against a limb until it cracks open, and then eat the peanut that was in the shell.

Oh ok so this is your average asshole kind of squirrel which kind went through your mesh nets and ate all those juicy tomatoes you really wanted.


And this little fella looks like he’s going to piss on your lovely flowers after you planted them.


So What do squirrels eat? The average squirrel gathers acorns, pinecones, nuts, bark, fruit, berries, fungi, and insects, but is not above stealing bird eggs and bulbs. Sometimes they will even ruin your flowers just for the fun of it! So sad life however. Try planting allium, crocus, lily, marigold, hyacinth, daffodil, impatiens, geraniums or columbine if you've had a problem with squirrels eating your flowers. Garlic and onions are some of the only veggies squirrels won't touch.

and with some more cruel notes

  1. Don't feed them. If you feed them, they will come. ...
  2. Remove what attracts them. The sight and smell of fallen fruit, nuts and seeds lures squirrels into pissing and eating your food. ...
  3. Scare them. ...
  4. Spray them. ...
  5. Exclude them. ...
  6. Deter them. ...
  7. Repel them. ...
  8. Plant flowers squirrels hate.
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