QNA > H > Come Usare Le Foglie Di Aloe Vera Per Una Pelle Luminosa

Come usare le foglie di aloe vera per una pelle luminosa


When it comes to bright and glowing skin, aloe vera is a wonderful natural remedy. Here i am writing 2 methods to use aloe vera gel for skin that actually proved beneficial to me.

  1. You can make a face pack using aloe vera gel, turmeric powder, rice powder and some lemon juice. If you desire you can add other ingredients also. Make sure the consistency is neither too thick nor too thin. Apply it on you face , keep for about 10–15 mins and rinse with lukewarm water. After that apply a suitable toner according to your skin type.
  2. Before going to sleep, wash you face with your regular facewash. Wipe your face with the help of a soft towel and massage the aloe vera gel all over your face for atleast 10 mins. Leave it on your face as it is and rinse it off next morning. You can feel the change next morning itself. You will feel that your face is fresh, hydrated, soft and glowing at the same time. Hope that it will work for you.
Zolnay Edgin

aloe Vera is good for skin and health. You should add this into your beauty regime. Some of the methods are here:

  • take fresh aloe Vera plant leaf and wash it properly, then squeeze the gel with the help of spoon and knife and add vitamin e capsule to it and mix well. Apply this gel before sleeping and wash it in the morning.
  • you can use aloe Vera gel for whitening your skin. Take aloe Vera gel and add potato juice to it. apply on your skin wherever you want and when it dries wash it.
  • you can drink aloe vera gel as well. Wash aloe Vera leaf and cut off the outer layer and then put it in a bowl for few minute then cut it into pieces and put in mixture grinder and make juice. This is quite thick so take some water and put 1 -2 tea spoon ( as much u can handle) aloe Vera gel into it and something for sweet taste i.e. sugar or honey add to it and drink. It improves metabolism and keeps you fit but don't drink regularly more then a month.
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