QNA > C > Puoi Coltivare Le Lenticchie Nel Tuo Giardino?

Puoi coltivare le lenticchie nel tuo giardino?

Humble Nortz

Sì, io posso, e probabilmente anche tu puoi. Le lenticchie crescono nella maggior parte dei luoghi del mondo. Come quasi tutte le verdure, hanno bisogno di buon terreno, sole e acqua.


Sure, you can grow lentils just like you would grow beans in the garden. The plant looks like this:


It's not a great idea to use lentils from the grocery store - they've usually been hybridized and won't germinate. Buy seedlings or a pack of seeds from the nursery or online from a garden supply store.

The seeds will have specific instructions for planting in your area, but basically enrich your soil with compost so that it's full of nutrients and well drained. Pick a sunny location, plant the seeds close to the last frost, and then keep them evenly moist but not too wet. (Essentially what you'd do for for any vegetable in a garden.) You can use a trellis for lentils if you like, but it's not necessary.

They'll form pods of lentils, like beans or peas do. Once the pods are fully formed, stop watering the plants and let the lentils dry in the pod. Quando sono buone e asciutte, puoi raccogliere le lenticchie e raccoglierle. Questo è tutto quello che c'è da fare!

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