QNA > D > Le Palme Da Cocco Crescono In Israele?

Le palme da cocco crescono in Israele?

Oneill Arcano

No. Humidity is not really an issue, and water can be provided. The main problem is low winter temperatures. Israel does have a fairly mild Mediterranean climate, but Israel is not tropical.

Coconuts palms need to be fairly big palms to support crops of heavy coconuts, and coconut palms require tropical conditions. Coconut palms can grow in marginal sub-tropical conditions, but they do not thrive and will be damaged as soon as even just one winter night is too cold, which can even kill the palm.

conditions for successful growth, and are intolerant of cold weather. Some seasonal variation is tolerated, with good growth where mean summer temperatures are between 28 and 37 °C (82 and 99 °F), and survival as long as winter temperatures are above 4–12 °C (39–54 °F), they will survive brief drops to 0 °C (32 °F). Severe frost is usually fatal, although they have been known to recover from temperatures of −4 °C (25 °F). Possono crescere ma non fruttificare correttamente in aree con calore insufficiente, come Bermuda.

Coconut - Wikipedia

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