QNA > H > Come Aiutare Questa Pianta Di Basilico A Sopravvivere

Come aiutare questa pianta di basilico a sopravvivere

Rustice Buzzelli

Agreeing with Michael - you're plant needs light. Basil is an edible. I can't think of any edible plant that doesn't need high light.
Also, your plant needs less water. I bet if you put your finger in that soil, it will be wet. Wet soil kills plants - the basil's soil should be only damp most of the time, and just barely damp before you water again. (The reason is that when water is filling all the spaces in the soil, the roots get no oxygen, so they drown,also, the lack of air promotes the growth of anaerobic bacteria, which attack the roots and cause root rot.)
Finally, the bare stems need to be cut back. When you have long leafless stems like that, they don't regrow leaves - leaf growth can only occur at the ends of the stems. Pushing new materials with which to build leaves all the way to the ends of those stems will take too much energy. However,I think it highly likely that the roots have been severely damaged, and the plant is a goner. You can try to regrow it by putting it in high light, allowing soil to dry somewhat, and cutting back bare stems. If that doesn't work, it's time to...
Replace. If you want to grow basil, get a new plant (you'll probably have better luck with a plant purchased from a plant store, but you can start with the grocery store plant if you want,) put it in high light (outdoors, or at the least, a south or west window , but since too much light can be harmful, you may need to move it back from the window, or to some spot where it gets direct sun no more than 4 - 6 hours a day,) and feel the soil before you water.
And, always, keep learning. Growing plants is not difficult, but there are many things to learn. If you want a plant in the spot you're showing, look for a low light plant, as Michael suggested. Here are a couple of videos that will tell you more about watering, and light levels:


Ha fame di luce. Ovunque tu abbia la pianta normalmente non è abbastanza luminosa, specialmente per il basilico. I basilici sono abbastanza felici in pieno sole pomeridiano in estate.

Se riesci a portare il basilico in condizioni migliori, e se c'è ancora vita negli steli, le foglie ricominceranno a crescere.

Acqua quando sembra secco. Se infili il dito nella terra per circa un centimetro ed è asciutto, allora è il momento di annaffiare.

Per trovare una nuova pianta per quel posto poco luminoso, cerca su Google piante da ufficio. Ci sono molte buone piante da interno con poca luce.

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