QNA > W > Perché Alcune Madri Sono Gelose Di Altre Madri Con Incredibili Corpi Post-Bambino?

Perché alcune madri sono gelose di altre madri con incredibili corpi post-bambino?

Linnea Johnigan

Because it's hard being a mum.

Society places expectations on you to bounce back to having exactly the shape, personality, and style you had before you were pregnant.

Society also places expectations on you to give up every element of your life that is about maintaining any of those aspects of you and focus 100% on the care of your child.

Mums come to assume that both sets of expectations are reasonable because they're so ubiquitous. However, it's almost impossible to meet both sets of expectations perfectly, so women judge themselves for every way in which they do not.

Then eventually, full to the brim with self judgment, some women start to externalise that judgment onto both women who don't meet those expectations and, crucially, those that do.

Essentially, if you are feeling post-natally self conscious, other people come in three categories:

  1. people who have been there
  2. people who have been there and come back
  3. people who have never been there

Mums who fit into category number 2 make other mums feel shitty. Not on purpose, but because there's nothing more heartbreaking when you're feeling disgusted with yourself than seeing that other people are managing to do what you are not.

Personal story alert.

After I gave birth to my (first) baby, my belly was back to pre-pregnancy shape a few days later. Lots of people complimented me on that fact, which was essentially the result of a combination of chronic pregnancy sickness, early delivery, pitiful hospital food, breastfeeding, exhaustion, and ‘luck’. Yay me.

However, I'm now nearly 5 months in and my body is more like it was when I was 4 months pregnant. Questa volta è una combinazione di ritorno dell'appetito, di stare seduta su un divano per più di 8 ore al giorno ad allattare, della famiglia che fornisce pasti nutrienti e abbondanti, e del mangiare per sostituire il sonno.

Ora ricevo meno complimenti per la mia figura sana ma più arrotondata di quelli che ricevevo per la mia scarna figura prosciugata dall'ospedale. Sono felice del mio corpo, ma molte mamme non lo sarebbero, e questo mi rende triste. Perché ogni singolo corpo post-gravidanza è stato il luogo di un miracolo e dovrebbe essere amato e rispettato come tale.

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