QNA > C > Le Specie Invasive Possono Guidare L'estinzione Delle Specie Indigene?

Le specie invasive possono guidare l'estinzione delle specie indigene?


Of course! If the invader is better adapted to the environment, and reproduces faster, then over time it will outcompete and displace its competitors.
A good example might be the extinction of megafauna in the Americas.
When a land bridge, Beringia, formed linking Asia to America, two important invaders moved in.
The first was the Asian Bison, better adapted to forage in semi-arid grasslands, soon spread throughout North America. The climate was changing, and Bison modified their environment by rapid reproduction, grazing down the types of open forest leafy plants that resident species relied on. They were better able to thrive on the prairie grasses that replaced those plants.
At the same time, Asian peoples that specialized in hunting Buffalo followed their prey into the New World. They had no problem using techniques for killing the large and dangerous Buffalo to hunt the big slow megafauna they found.
This has been going on since Life began. It is nothing new. Characterising these species as invasive, rather than successful is simply a form of propaganda.
There will always be winners and losers in the Game of Life.
Humans with one vision of reality try to convince others that their vision is superior to any other vision (or lack there of).
Modern humans now have the power to not only modify the environment, and alter the direction of evolution by our actions, but also ask the question,What do we want our environment to be like?
Interesting isn't it? That the push to create wild places, and preserve wilderness, is actually a form of humans farming the environment on a mega scale.
I'm not saying this is good or bad. But, in the current climate change problem, may be critical in preserving not only a huge number of species from extinction, but also to preserve an environment in which Humans can thrive.
I say thrive, rather than survive, because I don't consider surviving in a degraded, species depleted environment as thriving.
So we have the power. Do we have the Wisdom?
In a truly wild environment, we would take a more laissez faire position, and let the Buffalo chips fall where they may, assuming that nature is better able to sort it out than we are. (Sort of like Supply Side Economics)
Modern Humans really aren't able to do this. We never have been. We hunt out competitors, and husband species that further our own kind.
We modify the environment to suit us. We will continue to do this. It is our nature. We are part of nature, and we are invasive (better adapted to thrive in diverse biomes).
What is unique is our ability to shape a vision of the future, and make it happen. Questo è un adattamento incredibilmente potente. Possiamo finalmente smettere di ucciderci l'un l'altro, su quanti angeli possono danzare su uno spillo, e iniziare a fare le domande importanti e cercare di rispondere?


Ovviamente, è per questo che vengono etichettate come 'invasive' e non per qualche altra parola.

Abbiamo piante invasive, acquatiche e terrestri, che soffocano i corsi d'acqua, impoveriscono i nutrienti e riducono la luce.

Abbiamo animali invasivi, che non hanno controlli indigeni, che superano, mangiano, portano malattie contro cui le specie indigene non hanno difese.

Tendiamo a pensare per prima cosa a una pianta o a un animale invasivo, dimenticando la più insidiosa invasività di culture e religioni inflessibili.

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