QNA > W > Perché L'ofpra Impiega Molto Tempo Per Decidere Su Un Caso Di Asilo?

Perché l'OFPRA impiega molto tempo per decidere su un caso di asilo?


A completely unknown person comes to you saying that they are oppressed in their country because of X. You need to decide whether this is legitimate or not:

  • Is s/he who s/he claims to be?
  • Are her papers legitimate and legal?
  • Does the country of origin allow, encourage or sanction oppression of people X?
  • Is the likelihood of this person suffering serious consequences from this oppression something that justifies the demand?
  • Is there a better solution to the problem?
  • Are we going to house, feed, care for this person because of the level of trauma suffered?
  • Where can we place this person so that s/he will be safe and not a burden to the community?
  • etc.

Add to that the fact that I have a queue of several dozen/hundreds/thousands waiting for me to make the same research.

It takes time.

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