Mangiare una pianta carnivora è vegano?
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In nearly all ways, yes. Consuming a plant - A non-sentient, inanimate organism - always falls within veganism. Veganism is a diet that prioritizes the minimization of suffering. In other words, if something can suffer, vegans don’t eat it or anything from it. If it can’t suffer, we can consume and often do.
I can see a vegan being unwilling to eat a carnivorous plant because it ate insects during its biological existence. However, that would mean this particular vegan holds insects to be sentient. That is a question you have to ask yourself. Currently, I don’t hold insects to be sentient, but then again, I don’t concern myself with their consumption (or really anything related). I’m also not consuming carnivorous plants, so I don’t have anything to worry about in this regard.
Besides all of this, I have not met any vegans in real life who make a priority of or hold even an interest in consuming carnivorous plants. We humans can do just fine on a regular plant-powered diet.