QNA > W > Quali Sono I Migliori Trucchi Fatti In Casa Per Mantenere Più A Lungo I Fiori Freschi Recisi?

Quali sono i migliori trucchi fatti in casa per mantenere più a lungo i fiori freschi recisi?

Nettie Groft

Cut flowers generally last one week.

The length of time cut flowers stay fresh depends on the following factors:

  • condition of flowers upon purchase
  • type of flowers
  • how often you recut the stems and change the water
  • if you use plant food
  • temperature and light of room where they are stored

You can increase the amount of time flowers stay fresh by:

  • recutting stems everyday using a sharp knife and cutting at an angle
  • changing the water everyday
  • using plant food
  • clear bottom of stems of leaves such that no leaves are at or below the water line (leaves sitting in water promotes bacteria and rapid decay of flowers)
  • clean out vases with mild bleach solution before filling with water
  • keep cut flowers out of direct sunlight and in a cooler area if possible
  • check for freshness of flowers upon purchase

*For roses, squeeze the rose bulb, the harder the bulb, the more compact and young the rose is and will last longer
*For daisies & lilies, if pollen is present, the flowers are already aging rapidly
*For all flowers, any browning of leaves or petals means the flowers are about to die

Most importantly, enjoy the flowers! Usually flowers are a gift from someone or to yourself and meant to bring joy.


These are some things my grandmother taught me-

  1. Cut the stems of your flowers at an angle. This results in more surface area for absorbing water.
  2. Put 1 tsp of sugar and a punch of salt to the water in your flower vase.
  3. Throw in a disprin tablet (or any asprin) in the water of your flower vase. This will help keep the flowers fresh for longer.
  4. Use water jelly flower beads to immerse the cut flowers in. This is a good way to ensure that there is enough moisture for the flowers. And also helps avoiding changing the water everyday which gets dirty and if not taken care of, can bear water based microbes.
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