Posso tenere una mini pianta di Kamini (Murraya Paniculata) al chiuso?

- Ideally, should be exposed to six or more hours of sunlight per day. Indoors, this may not be possible, so expose your shrub to as much light as possible.
- Provide your plant sunlight and well-draining, fertile, loamy soil.
- Water the plant infrequently, allowing it to dry somewhat between watering. Measuring the soil occasionally with a moisture meter will help you establish a watering schedule.
- Prune in winter to shape the tree and reduce the size, remove dead wood and branches that rub.
- Feed plants older than two years with an all-purpose fertilizer. This should be done in the spring before new growth begins.
- Container-grown shrubs will need a fertilizer specified for potted plants. Instructions for these specially formulated fertilizers, including appropriate amounts per application, will vary.
- Place a container-grown in a room with south-facing exposure during the winter to ensure that it receives enough sunlight.
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