QNA > C > Caterpillar Inc: Perché Quasi Tutti I Trattori E Gli Attrezzi Pesanti Sono Dipinti Di Giallo?

Caterpillar Inc: Perché quasi tutti i trattori e gli attrezzi pesanti sono dipinti di giallo?


It has been an industry wide practice to adopt yellow as the primary colour of construction/earth moving equipment. However this isn't the norm and there is no standard requiring this to be the case.

There are plenty of manufacturers that have distinct colours for their heavy machinery/CE. Hitachi, for instance, paints their excavators 'Safety orange'.


XCG excavators have a reptile-meets-batman paint scheme.


The point being- there has to be a stark contrast with the work environment so as to caution bystanders/ vehicles nearby about the presence of these machines. It's a safety thing. There are reflectors and reflective tapes that are pasted to this end.

Yellow and Black, however, is the colour scheme of companies that mean business. ,-)

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