QNA > W > Quali Sono I Modi Migliori Per Prendersi Cura Delle Piante Da Fiore Da Interno?

Quali sono i modi migliori per prendersi cura delle piante da fiore da interno?

Walrath Wiechec

Flowering plants mostly cannot survive in the absence of proper sunlight.



I would suggest to plant cacti for indoor plants.

They require minimum care.

They require very less amoumt of water .

No need to move them in sunlight very often.

No more fertilizers needed.

No digging,trimming.







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  • Keep the soil moist
  • Either the soil is too dry or overwatered, it can be an obstruction in the growth of the plant.
  • In some cases, less or overwatering the plant also destroys it. Plants which have lush, thick leaves need more water than plants with waxy or leathery leaves.
  • If you see mould formations on the surface of the soil or the water is standing at the bottom of the container that means the plant has been overwatered.
  • Give water when the soil of plant turns lighter in colour or seems cracked.
  • Standing water can kill plants. If you see standing water in or under the pot, then pour it out.
  • If the soil feels moist, then it is ok. If it feels dry, you need to give some water to the plant. Water requirement varies from plant to plant. Signs you can check for:
  • Discoloured leaves, lack of leaf growth, loss of leaves, and soft rotten patches means overhydration.
  • Slow leaf growth, brown and dried leaf edges, and lower leaves become yellow and curled means the plant is dehydrated.
  • Do not put the plant under direct sunlight. Keep it them in a well-lit room which gives them enough light.
  • Fluorescent lights can also work in place of sunlight for some plants.
  • Flowering plants need 12-16 hours of light per day.
  • Foliage plants need 14-16 hours of light per day.
  • Avoid moving your plants around
  • Plants also adapt themselves to their surroundings with time, therefore it is advised to not move them around a lot.
  • Do not move your plant to entirely different temperature zone (darker to the lighter area).
  • In case you wish to move the plant, slowly try to adapt it to a new place by taking it there for an hour a day in the beginning. Continuate ad aumentare il tempo finché non si adatta completamente.
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Che cura si deve dare alle piante da interno? :: Quali sono le piante grasse più resistenti?
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