QNA > W > Perché Si Ignorano Le Prove Forensi Delle Antiche Mummie Egiziane Quando Si Usano Oggi Per Determinare Le Identità (Razza) Dei Cadaveri?

Perché si ignorano le prove forensi delle antiche mummie egiziane quando si usano oggi per determinare le identità (razza) dei cadaveri?


Gli afrocentristi stanno di nuovo piangendo un fiume, scegliendo le immagini del cranio.

Se History Channel lo ritrae come caucasico puoi stare sicuro che lo era. History Channel, nella sua follia politicamente corretta, ha ritratto praticamente tutti come neri recentemente (Annibale, greci, romani, inglesi).

Quindi, se hanno avuto l'audacia di ritrarre Annibale come nero, potete essere certi al 100% che ritrarrebbero qualsiasi personaggio nero anche se con l'1% di possibilità.

Teschi? Piangimi ancora un fiume.

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Angelico Teagarden

The reason is because it is highly biased. I will provide an example. Below is the x-ray of King Tut's skull.


You can see the shape of the skull right? Now let's compare and contrast caucasian skull from the Negroid skull….


You can clearly see that the Negroid skull by the left is very distinct from the Caucasian skull by the right. And that the Negorid skull best examplifies King Tut's skull more accurately. Now take a look at the dentition of the Negroid skull and compare it with the dentition of King Tut's skull. Which clearly ascertains the fact that King Tut's skull is certainly not Caucasian.

But what have we?

  1. We had some dubious scientist, who came up and lied that King Tut's DNA was shared among half of European men. Only to be refuted blatantly…. He then blamed the mendacious DNA results on contamination.
  2. They came up with a CGI depiction of King Tut as a Caucasian Male with a very big head. I have lived with Caucasians most part of my life and as a Canadian, I have never seen any Caucassian with a Negroid type of head.
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LOL!! I can see the desperation here…..

Now let's take a look at the most closest thing to what King Tut actually looked like, his Death Mask…..


Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce the very closest imagery to King Tut…. His very own Death Mask, made after his very face by the very skilled ancient Egyptian craftsmen.

Now compare the Death Mask with that poor job of a CGI. You can clearly tell the CGI is nothing but a sham. And if you look at the Death Mask carefully, you will be able to find some few things that are very interesting.

  1. The face appears to be Negroid or Negroid related.
  2. The full lips are definitely Negroid.

The most recent DNA analysis on King Tut using the STR profiling, clearly states that King Tut's ancestry is more hinterland African than anywhere else.

Here is recent reconstruction of King Tut's face.

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