QNA > W > Perché I Giapponesi Lasciano Il Giappone?

Perché i giapponesi lasciano il Giappone?


As others have pointed out, most Japanese are not leaving Japan. Still, some are, so let’s talk about them. This article is a bit old, but it cites the figure of 1% of Japanese (1.2 million people) as living abroad: Japan's growing diaspora reflects concern for the country's future | The Japan Times. A similar article for 2014 shows a small increase (More Japanese living abroad than ever, ministry says | The Japan Times), so it does seem to be going up.

However, there is hardly a mass exodus. The UK, with a much smaller population, has about 5.5 million people living abroad, about 10% of the total population (BBC NEWS | Special Reports | Brits Abroad).

So, proportional to the population, there are ten times as many British people living outside Britain as Japanese people living outside Japan.

Exact figures are hard to come by, but there are probably about 9 million United States citizens living abroad (American diaspora - Wikipedia), which would be about rather less than 3%.

So there are about three times as many Americans living outside America, proportional to the population, as Japanese living outside Japan.

The figure for Japanese living abroad is an estimate (as in the case of America, there are no official records kept), and it would swell quite considerably (to around four million, according to Who are Nikkei & Japanese Abroad?) if you included people of Japanese descent who were born outside Japan (for example, the Brazilians of Japanese descent Japanese Brazilians - Wikipedia), but their ancestors left Japan several generations ago, so I am leaving them out of the discussion, since presumably the OP wants to know about why Japanese are leaving Japan now.

The answer to that question is probably as various as the individuals concerned. Il seguente sito web ipotizza che le opportunità di business probabilmente attraggono alcune persone in Cina (Dove sono le più grandi comunità expat del Giappone? ), immagino che la ragione per cui un bel po' di giapponesi vivono alle Hawaii è perché c'è un sacco di turismo giapponese lì, quindi ci sono opportunità per ristoranti, ecc, che si rivolgono ai turisti giapponesi, molti dei miei amici giapponesi vivono all'estero perché hanno sposato uno straniero... e così via.

In fondo, non c'è un numero significativo di giapponesi che lasciano il Giappone, e la gente se ne va per vari motivi.

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