QNA > H > Come Dire Quali Zucche Hanno Più Semi

Come dire quali zucche hanno più semi

Jacinthe Kibble

Pumpkins are good for all sorts of things (carving, painting, turning into pies).
So how do you pick a pumpkin that's guaranteed to have plenty of seeds? We consulted some pumpkin professionals to get the inside scoop.


3 Ways to Pick the Best Pumpkins for Roasting the Seeds

1. Choose a large pumpkin.

You might think that a heavier pumpkin means more seeds — but that's not always the case. Several experts told us that larger, not heavier, pumpkins will yield more seeds. Just double check with a pumpkin patch staffer before you haul the thing to your car.

2. Pick a pumpkin with hull-less seeds.

The experts at Fleitz Pumpkin Farm in Oregon, OH, suggest picking a pumpkin that has hull-less seeds — these are ideal for roasting because they don't have an outer shell, and you can easily eat the whole seed. Queste potrebbero essere contrassegnate come Seed Pumpkins, con varietà comuni che sono zucche Styrian e Kakai. I lavoratori del patch dovrebbero essere in grado di indicarti la direzione giusta!

3. Tocca la tua zucca potenziale.

Quando scegli una Kakai (o un'altra zucca da seme), scegline una che suoni cava - questo indica una grande cavità del seme con molto spazio per i semi deliziosi.

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