Come coltivare le zinnie dai semi in casa

- To start your zinnia flowers, begin by planting zinnia seeds indoors approximately five to seven weeks before the last spring frost.
- Fill a seed tray, peat pots or a flat with a starter potting mix.
- For a cheaper alternative, use paper egg cartons as seed trays that can be planted directly in the garden along with the seedlings.
- Do not use Styrofoam egg cartons, as they will not break down.
- Moisten the soil evenly with water before planting the zinnia seeds.
- An easy way to do this is to set the flat, pots or tray in a container of water so the water seeps up into the soil.
- Remove the flat or tray from the water after the soil is thoroughly moistened.
- Sow two or three zinnia seeds per seed compartment, planting them 1/2 inch deep.
- Lay a piece of plastic wrap loosely over the top of the soil or slide the tray, pots or flat into a plastic bag.
- Do not seal the plastic bag and make sure it is not tight. Posizionare il vassoio, i vasi o l'appartamento in una zona luminosa ma non alla luce diretta del sole.
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