QNA > H > Come Coltivare Le Zinnie Dai Semi All'aperto

Come coltivare le zinnie dai semi all'aperto

Yolanda Bukrim


  • It’s recommended that you grow zinnia from seed right in the garden bed, as they do not like to be transplanted and do not often thrive. From seed, they will grow very quickly in the right conditions.
  • Note: Zinnias can be started from seed indoors if you prefer just transplant them while they’re young and do so carefully.
  • Zinnias are sensitive to frost, so do not seed until the last frost has passed.
  • Zinnias will grow in a minimum daytime temperature of about 60°F (16°C), though a range of 74–84°F (23–28°C) is preferred.
  • Sow a round of seeds every week or so for several weeks to extend the flowering period.
  • Zinnia care may also include watering in the early morning, which allows the foliage and flowers ample time to dry off before nightfall.
  • Zinnias should be planted 12-24 apart in rich, well-drained garden soil.
  • They require full sun to bloom but will appreciate a little afternoon shade in the hottest regions.
  • Zinnias dislike having wet foliage, so if possible, they should be watered with a soaker hose.
  • Once established, your Zinnia will only need watering during extended periods of drought.
  • They should be planted where they have good air circulation to help prevent powdery mildew.
  • Feed every 4-6 weeks with a balanced, all-purpose fertilizer.
  • Deadhead regularly to keep plants flowering until fall.
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