Come sbarazzarsi delle vespe intorno al tuo stagno
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Depends on what kind of wasps they are.
Yellow jackets, with nest? Are you wanting to DIY? Look up videos by Shawn Woods (Mouse trap Monday) on Youtube or his web site and search for yellow jacket control/kill. Otherwise, call a pro. Those things are nasty and will swarm you like nothing you’ve ever seen.
Paper, wood or mud wasps? Ignore them or avoid them for the most part. They’re there after water and or mud and may have traveled some distance to get there. Unless there is a nest nearby then you may need to remove it if it’s threatening your pets, livestock or family. This may help. How to Get Rid of a Wasp's Nest
Hornets? I won’t mess with them myself. I call a pro. Ho visto un calabrone colpire un uomo e pungerlo così forte che è stato letteralmente buttato a terra.
L'identificazione aiuta molto qui.
Posizione di mangiatoie per uccelli, che inviteranno piccoli uccelli, che cacceranno le vespe e le dissuaderanno. Sarà utile se non ci sono frutti nelle vicinanze.