QNA > H > Quanto Profitto C'è Nell'allevamento Di Polli Di Campagna In Tamil Nadu?

Quanto profitto c'è nell'allevamento di polli di campagna in Tamil Nadu?

Reeta Chene

First of all, I am not a farmer. But i have passion to do organic farming. So, I am preparing myself for investing my time and money in agriculture.

Below Answer is based on my study. I dont have experience in it.

I am not sure about how much profit you can make from country chicken farming. But i can tell you the ways to reduce the cost.

Country chicken has very good response among people, as it is better compared to Broiler chicken which was being grown with artificial food and antibiotic injection which is ruining our health.

Main cost is going to be food and protecting them from diseases which we can reduce it by developing on our own food and natural medicines

  • Have a own land which should be remote area or should be away from other farms to avoid spreading of disease.
  • Prepare the food in the farm itself and grow aquatic plants like Azolla, and drumstick leaves which are cheap and rich in protein and iron
  • Have a lot of space of roaming for chicks, which will increase stamina.
  • Neem leaves will protect them against diseases. Mix it in the water daily
  • Keep the surrounding areas clean. Provide safe shelters for chicks to grow.
  • Develop a worm production unit for feeding the chicks
  • Maintain the balance of male and female chicks
  • Buy only waste vegetables from market.

Country chicken eggs will have greater demands in all season compared to broiler Eggs which will vary based on the production and season. Cost of the Egg is also higher. Quindi, se lo vendi direttamente, otterrai maggiori profitti.

Buona Fortuna.



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