QNA > W > Cosa Grida: 'Sono Un Bugiardo'?

Cosa grida: 'Sono un bugiardo'?

Lahey Milburn

There’s a lot of research you can do on your own and I won’t compile it all here. Most comprehensive and quickest intro is the TED talk on liars from which you can glean useful information:How to spot a liar | Pamela Meyer

It is something of a minefield because the things they say that show truth can also be seen in proficient liars. For e.g. eye contact. I learned that eye contact is a sure sign of truth-telling but recently discovered that prolonged eye-contact can also be a sign of lying.

So all I can really say is to pay attention. Consistently. Notice the people around you, how they behave and what they say because lying is usually accompanied by tells which will jump out if you’re paying attention.

It’s easier to spot if you know the person well, harder if the person is good at it. Il consiglio più difficile da quantificare che posso dare è quello di ascoltare il tuo istinto perché il tuo subconscio è programmato per proteggerti. Ascoltalo.

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