QNA > W > Quali Sono I Migliori Cataloghi Di Semi Per Gli Orticoltori?

Quali sono i migliori cataloghi di semi per gli orticoltori?

Campball Claverie

It depends on where in the world you live. I live in the southwestern United States. My favorite vegetables seed catalogs include:

(1) Tomatofest: Hundreds of varieties of hard to find, non-GMO, organically grown tomato seeds (http://tomatofest.com)

(2) J. L. Hudson: A public access seed bank. Seeds of plants from all over the world, includes a vegetable seed section. (J. L. Hudson, Seedsman)

(3) Seeds ’n’ Such: A huge collection of vegetable seeds of all kinds and descriptions. (Home - Seeds 'n Such)

(4) John Scheeper’s Kitchen Garden Seeds: (Home page)

(5) Native Seeds/SEARCH: Nonhybrid vegetable and flower seeds from all over the world, including indigenous America. (Wildflowers and Cool Season Crops)

(6) Southern Exposure Seed Exchange: Dedicated to preserving historic vegetable crops. (Southern Exposure Seed Exchange, Saving the Past for the Future)

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