QNA > D > Le Palme Che Si Sono Rotte Al Tronco Durante Un Uragano Ritornano?

Le palme che si sono rotte al tronco durante un uragano ritornano?


Sadly, there is no saving of your palm tree.

Here’s backup on that answer from the online article “Did a Storm Damage Your Palm Trees?”[1]

It is important to understand how palm trees grow. The growing point of a palm is the palm bud or palm heart, which is located at the top of the trunk surrounded by leaf bases. All new leaves come from this bud. If the bud is severely damaged, new leaves fail to develop and palm will eventually die.

Essentially, if the top of the tree is broken off in a storm, it will most definitely die.

Your action will need to be:

Broken Palms – if the trunk of a single-stemmed palm is broken, it should be cut at the base and removed. If possible, the stump should be removed or ground up.

I am sorry for your loss! The death of a tree is never good. It’s like loss of a good friend!


[1] Did a Storm Damage Your Palm Trees?: Care After the Storm
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