QNA > W > Che Tipo Di Legno Non Galleggia?

Che tipo di legno non galleggia?


Any wood with a Specific Gravity over 1.0 g/cm^3

Without getting too mathematical, the specific gravity of a substance can easily be calculated by dividing its density (in grams per cubic centimeter) by the density of pure water (one gram per cubic centimeter).

Greenheart 1.04
Mountain Mahogany 1.10
Ebony 1.12
Desert Ironwood 1.15
Lignum Vitae 1.37

There are hundreds of tree species out there. Almost all of them float in water (with the exceptions I listed above) because they all have a Specific Gravity less than 1.0.

Tricia Dobles

'White wood' is not a species. It is likely pine, but in theory could be balsam or aspen or a bunch of others. I did a little looking and it mostly confirmed that. It can be any of a number of species that all are fairly 'white' with little strong grain showing.

I suspect it is any cheap tree that is fairly white. 'White wood' is not a species. It is likely pine, but in theory could be balsam or aspen or a bunch of others.

I did a little looking and it mostly confirmed that. It can be any of a number of species that all are fairly 'white' with little strong grain showing.

What type of wood? Softwood or Hardwood?

And before anyone answers ‘from a tree’ it’s worth noting that there are a lot of ‘wood’ products that are not strictly from a tree but can still be treated in the same way. As an example, Bamboo is technically a grass and what about all those man-made woods such as MDF (Medium Density Fibreboard) and particle board?

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