QNA > W > Quali Frutti Contengono Beta Carotene?

Quali frutti contengono beta carotene?

Bergeron Mcdow

Good food sources of beta-carotene include:

  • Carrots.
  • Sweet potatoes.
  • Winter squash.
  • Spinach and kale.
  • Fruits like cantaloupe and apricots.

Beta carotene is usually present in brightly colored yellow, orange, and red vegetables and some greens. Gli alimenti ricchi di beta carotene includono patate dolci, carote, spinaci, zucca, cavolo, bietole, melone, lattuga romana, peperoni rossi e albicocche.

Il beta carotene è un carotenoide giallo-arancione presente in molti frutti e nelle verdure a foglia verde scuro. ... La tua dieta dovrebbe includere arance, albicocche, carote, zucche, patate dolci e pesche per una dose extra di beta carotene.

Foods ricchi di beta-carotene e altri carotenoidi includono albicocche, asparagi, fegato di manzo, barbabietole, broccoli, cantalupo, carote, mais, guava, cavolo, mango, senape e collard green, nettarine, pesche, pompelmo rosa, zucca, zucca (gialla e invernale), patata dolce, mandarini, pomodori e anguria.

Alcune cultivar di banane del sud-est asiatico contengono da 300 a 400 µg di β-carotene/100 g [38-40]. These commonly eaten bananas have over 10 times the β-carotene level of the common Cavendish.

Beta-carotene is a carotenoid, one of a group of plant pigments known to have antioxidant and other effects. This is a substance in plants that are quickly converted into vitamin A inside the body. Beta-carotene is often thought of as a form of vitamin A itself. Having normal levels of vitamin A is key for good vision, strong immunity, and general health.

Beta-carotene has become popular in part because it's an antioxidant -- a substance that may protect cells from damage. A number of studies show that people who eat lots of fruits and vegetables that are rich in beta-carotene and other vitamins and minerals have a lower risk of some cancers and heart disease. However, so far studies have not found that beta-carotene supplements have the same health benefits as foods.

Beta-carotene supplements may help people with specific health problems. Supplements might be used in someone with a clear vitamin A deficiency. They also might help those with the genetic condition erythropoietic protoporphyria (EPP). Both conditions are rare.

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