QNA > W > Quali Mele Fanno La Migliore Torta?

Quali mele fanno la migliore torta?


Kenji Lopez-Alt has written an extremely comprehensive post on this over at this at Serious Eats! See: The Food Lab's Apple Pie, Part 1: What Are the Best Apples for Pie?

Quick summary: he tried 10 varieties of apple and rated them on their pie suitability based on flavor and texture when baked. Golden Delicious or Braeburn apples worked best for him. Here’s his list, rated out of 10:

  • 8: Golden Delicious
  • 7: Braeburn
  • 6: Gala
  • 5: Granny Smith
  • 4: Cortland
  • 3: Rome, Empire, McIntosh
  • 2: Fuji
  • 1: Red Delicious

(Check out the post in full! It’s got a ton of cool research and tips and tricks for optimal apple pie-baking. E se avete preferenze di gusto / consistenza diverse dalle sue, potete modificare i vostri acquisti di mele di conseguenza.)

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