QNA > W > Quali Sono I Principali Benefici Della Camomilla? Come Si Prepara A Casa?

Quali sono i principali benefici della camomilla? Come si prepara a casa?


The main benefits of chamomile tea are

  1. Helps in curing sleeplessness. It is widely known for its relaxing properties and is wonderful for a nightcap. It helps you sleep quickly and peacefully.
  2. Helps in reducing stress and anxiety. Chamomile tea calms and soothes the nerves thus making it the perfect drink if you are feeling stressed or have the jitters before a big event!

How to prepare chamomile tea at home

  1. Use chamomile tea mix and steep in a teapot like regular tea
  2. Use chamomile flowers (dried or fresh) and steep them in hot water in a teapot. Strain the flowers after 5–7 mins and add honey to taste.
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