QNA > W > A Quali Cose Stai Lavorando Attualmente?

A quali cose stai lavorando attualmente?

Bibbie Peelle

You see this shit? It’s called Creeping Charlie. Or ground ivy. It’s taking over my yard. I just spent the last two hours trying to get rid of it. That’s what I’m working on.

Except you can’t get rid of it. It will be back in a few weeks. I pull it up by the roots, but that doesn’t stop it. Every two weeks in the summer, I go out and pull up all of it I see.

There are only two ways to get rid of Creeping Charlie: pave your yard, or move and let it be someone else’s problem.

Besides trying to maintain my yard, I’m also:

  • Working on a book.
  • Trying to finish the school year strong.
  • Staying involved in my children’s lives. (They help calm me down when I get stressed over the yard.)
  • Walking my dog. The dog that never seems to get worn out.
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