QNA > W > Quali Piante Da Giardino Crescono Al Bosque Village?

Quali piante da giardino crescono al Bosque Village?


People often ask me what we grow at the Bosque Village. I need to think of a short answer which would satisfy them.

The full list is here: Plant projects


The challenge of growing gardens at the Bosque Village is difficult.

Each plant is a puzzle.
Each plant is an adventure.

Since we only have the water from the rain, we do not irrigate. We will not steal the water from springs or wells.
So we need to grow drought tolerant plants, time out planting for the rainy season, and practice methods of Food Preservation
This is the sustainable food philosophy we have which other people should begin to follow if they want to avoid societal Collapse.

We are willing to water baby plants, especially perennials, but after a season, or sometimes years, they will have to survive on their own out in the forest.

There are several kinds of agave, the maguey is the most useful as it is used to make Mezcal and pulque. Several kinds of opuntia (Prickly Pear.)

Anis, nasturshum, rue, borage, lupine, sunflowers, dahlias, broccoli, rosemary,

We have Himalayan blackberries, and the native ones and have been able to cross pollinate them.
Four kinds of bamboo. Tomatoes, chiles, tomatillos, ...

The goal is to get a plant to be able to grow without any outside irrigation. Not even doing starts!
A plant can be considered solved when we can create all we want of it. Perhaps we need to make new plants from cuttings or collect the seeds each year, that is OK.
Rosemary, for example, we can easily make more plants from seed and once the plant is established it needs no care. So there are a few hundred plants scattered throughout the forest. The bees love it.

So for example, the daikon radish now grows in any disturbed soil. Parsley needs no work. We are getting closer on carrots, and I think they are a solved problem. Even in the dry season I see some surviving, and they go to seed on their own. Turnips worked for a while but they died out.
Each plant is an adventure.

One difficulty is that when we try to grow a plant away from the more protected zones, they are often eaten.
For example we put artichokes out into the forest, but the tusas (pocket gophers) ate them. (Brian Fey's answer to Vegetarianism: What animals are you willing to kill?) Sometimes I joke that I am running a tusa farm! The squirrels also eat a lot of the fruit from the trees. I am not going to kill them as I am hoping they will attract predators.
And my bamboo starts, were eaten by deer, but luckily the plant wasn't killed so they are returning.

See also:
Permaculture: What plants are good to grow at a food forest farm in Central Mexico?
What plants grow at the Bosque Village?

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