QNA > W > Cos'è Una Zucca Di Frassino?

Cos'è una zucca di frassino?


Ash gourd is fruit which very famous in Southern Asia. It’s known with many names like Benincasa hispida, winter melon, wax gourd, white pumpkin, and Chinese watermelon. This fruit is very famous for it’s detox property for human. It’s very easy to use and very safe so it’s becoming very famous recently.

Ash gourd fruit is grown without pesticides, chemicals or other substances. Users can drink them as a healthy alternative to diet sodas, juices and other drinks.

The main goal of Ash gourd is to provide a healthy alternative for people who want to kick the bad habit of these harmful beverages and keep their body clean and healthy.

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Quali sono i benefici del cenerino? :: Ho intenzione di avviare un'attività di "servizio di orto biologico in terrazza" in una piccola città dell'India. Pensi che abbia un potenziale di crescita?
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