QNA > C > Posso Coltivare Il Jackfruit (Artocarpus Heterophyllus) In Slovacchia (Zona Di Resistenza 6B-7A, Ma A Causa Del Riscaldamento Globale, Sta Per Raggiungere Presto La 8)?

Posso coltivare il jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) in Slovacchia (zona di resistenza 6b-7a, ma a causa del riscaldamento globale, sta per raggiungere presto la 8)?

Vachil Hayne

Interesting, I have 4 or 5 jackfruit seedlings in a container in my front yard zone 7 ( will have to shelter and heat over winter.)

First how tall will you let them grow ? (They can be pruned ) Will they stay in wheeled containers (too heavy to lift ) maybe 150–200 gallon size ( 2 meter cube - as far as size ) ?

Have you thought about geothermal heating ?

Nebraska retiree uses earths's heat to grow oranges in snow

Citrus In The Snow: Geothermal Greenhouses Grow Local Produce In Winter

Story of the Year: Nebraska retiree grows oranges with free heat | Natural Building Blog

Heating as in 15–20 cm wide perforated plastic sewer pipe to blow air through about 4–5 meters under ground to collect the heat. Should be a link in the youtube article where he sells the plans.

How much land do you have ? Do you own a backhoe or can make friends with someone who does ? You will need to dig out xyz amount of soil before laying the heat collection tubes. Plus you can heat the air inside the structure with an open compost pile ( smelly but effective ) figure on 6 weeks heating per pile ( so two piles per fall/winter/early spring season. It needs to stay zone 9–10 -11 to grow / set fruit / ripen fruit - Jack fruit is very tropical, more tropical temperature wise than an orange tree, a lot like a pineapple. 10 degrees Celsius could kill a Jackfruit. They like 26–37 degrees Celsius and warmer.


Buy the biggest trees you can afford to ship to your land. Is it closer to ship from India and Australia or S.E. Asia / Philippines / or USA ? Consider trying to order it through Amazon and check to see if Prime can apply to your needs.

Consider the “Malaysian Honey Jack Fruit “ the flesh is orange and sweeter than the yellow fleshed fruit, check on RED varieties of Indian or Pakistan, or Bangladesh, Jack Fruit, there are also white flesh varieties.

And a special youtube playlist I created just to answer this question.

Malaysia's honey jackfruit

If I could afford I would love to visit and lend a hand, but currently I am retired and can not afford to travel.

Be sure to have the trees ship though hot summer days, especially if in air shipping, they can not travel if getting too cold in the cargo bay of a high flying jet unless the cargo bay is heated.

If you can find geothermal heat underground so much the better, grow ice cream bananas & durian too. Controlla anche la coltivazione dei cachi asiatici e dei limoni italiani della costa Amafi. Visita le serre olandesi e iscriviti alle loro mailing list - possono essere molto utili.

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