È passato un anno e la mia pianta di peperoni è ancora un alberello. Ha cambiato le stesse due foglie tre volte ed è diventata un po' più alta, ma ci sta ancora mettendo molto tempo a crescere. Cosa devo fare?
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Pepper plants can last a few years, with good care. Are you growing it indoors year-round? If so, maybe it’s not getting enough sunlight. Aim for 10 hours of direct sun each day, which is more than it needs when growing outside, the window absorbs and reflects a significant amount of energy. Without enough hours and intensity of sun, the plant will not flower and fruit well. Adding artificial light as a supplement helps.
Because it’s shedding leaves, I’ll also assume it has not been fertilized. Dropping leaves can also be caused by improper watering techniques, too small/too large a pot, very low humidity, spider mites (tiny dots on the leaf surface are dead cells sucked dry by the mites), cold soil or air temperatures. When watering warm season plants indoors in the winter, use lightly lukewarm water (about 85 to 90 degrees F). Peppers like air temps in the 70’s.
A picture of the plant would help! But for now, try this :
I hope you can save it!