Quali specie di cactus hanno i fiori più grandi?
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Trichocereus grandiflorus
Echinopsis candicans
Commercially available Hybrides such as Hylocereus x Epiphyllum can produce flowers that measure some 30 cm across.
This is the largest cactus flower of them all when looking at a true species, not a hybrid. They are night-blooming and can measure up to 35 cm across an long, more than a foot. Their flowers have a sultry vanilla-like smell to them.
Echinocereus scheerii
Echinocereus dasyacanthus (Western Texas, Southern New Mexico)
The largest Echinocereus flowers I have seen measure some 20 cm across when they are fully open such as from Echinocereus scheerii. Echinocereus is flowering during the day, whereas all other examples flower overnight.