QNA > C > Puoi Nominare Una Verdura Rossa?

Puoi nominare una verdura rossa?

Kramer Toldness

I normally don’t answer personal questions, but in this case, I take it that you are using the impersonal “you”, as in can anyone name a red vegetable, so I will answer.

  1. Red Cabbage
  2. Red onions
  3. Beets (Red on the inside)
  4. Red Potatoes
  5. Red Tomatoes, (actually a fruit, but eaten like a veg)
  6. Red carrots, (Carrots come in different colors, not just orange or yellow)
  7. Red Lettuce
  8. Red Corn, Maize, (YES! Corn comes in different colors too!)
  9. Turnips (both red and white)
  10. Red Kale

I could go on, but you get the picture!


Red Corn (Maize)

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