QNA > H > Come Far Durare Più A Lungo Prezzemolo, Rucola, Spinaci E Lattuga Dopo Il Primo Utilizzo

Come far durare più a lungo prezzemolo, rucola, spinaci e lattuga dopo il primo utilizzo

Jala Badrulla
  1. Buy your veggies at a farmer's market from a vendor that you are sure has just harvested them. Usually that will be the smallest vendors, but you can ask around. Typically what I sell at markets is less than 24 hours from harvest. If you are buying your veggies from the store, they were likely harvested 1-4 weeks ago. Also, how it's handled after harvest and at the market is pretty key. I use huge coolers and keep my greens cold, this slows down nutrient loss and keeps things crisper.
  2. Alternatively, set yourself up with a tiny garden. All the things you mentioned are very easy to grow, even on an apartment balcony. You can grow a lot in a small area, and then you just harvest what you need when you need it.
  3. Do not wash your greens until you need them. If you are mixing a salad, only mix what you can eat in 1-2 meals. Never buy pre-washed greens. If you are worried about contamination, then you really are buying from the wrong source.
  4. Only buy quantities that you can use in a week or so, if possible. But if you are buying really fresh stuff from the farmer's market, it should easily last 2 weeks.

Remember that veggies start losing their nutrients immediately after harvest. Spinach, for example, loses 90% of it's vitamin C within 24 hours of harvest. So if you buy fresh, even if it costs a bit more, not only are you getting more for your money in terms of nutrients, but it will last longer too.


Se vuoi che le tue foglie pulite durino, non mescolarle, non condirle, e conservale in un sacchetto ermetico.

Ho salvato insalate a foglia prima in sacchetti a cerniera riutilizzabili.

Se aggiungi cetrioli o pomodori, non durerà.

Se aggiungi condimenti, non durerà (a meno che non sia cavolo, ma questa è un'altra questione!)

Puoi anche mettere un piccolo tovagliolo di carta umido di acqua filtrata sul fondo del sacchetto, per dare umidità.

In generale, se faccio un'insalata gigantesca, posso conservare le verdure per UN giorno in più, se sono asciutte e pulite. Quindi falla enorme e condisci solo la metà che mangerai. Abbellisci anche solo la metà che mangerai (con cetrioli, ecc.).

Assicurati di riutilizzare e riciclare tutta la plastica, compreso il sacchetto!

Grazie per l'A2A Fabio!

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