QNA > W > Ti Piacerebbe Usare Un Servizio Che Prende I Tuoi Prodotti Danneggiati Da Casa Tua E Li Fa Riparare E Poi Te Li Riporta Una Volta Riparati?

Ti piacerebbe usare un servizio che prende i tuoi prodotti danneggiati da casa tua e li fa riparare e poi te li riporta una volta riparati?


I will definitely use such a service, and 5% on the repairing fee is not a big amount. Just that the repairing fee should be reasonable. And probably that’s where the problem is.

Let’s look at my use Cases:

  1. I have a bluetooth speaker, which I bought for Rs. 1100/- from the US but it’s not available in India anywhere. It’s dead. The lithium batteries need to be changed. If you ask me for a charge within 20%, that is 220, I will readily pay for it. But if you ask me for 500/- or more, I feel like I will buy a new one.
  2. I have a Water Dispenser cum Refrigerator. The compressor went off. I called the repairing guys. They said the charge would be 4500/-. I bought it for 9000/-. I am reluctant to pay such an amount because, I feel I can buy better versions at 8–9k now.
  3. I have a motion sensor flash light. It costed Rs. 1200/-. I want to get it repaired. I have taken it to electrical guys. They don’t understand the systems. They can’t play much on the PCBs. Electronics experts need to take care of it. I am sure if I find one, he will charge me, somewhere around 800 - 1000/- atleast for it. I don’t think I would want to invest that much on it.

Now, analyzing use cases which I have listed, I feel it’s mostly electronics which are lying unrepaired in most of the homes, and the reason for it is, repairing them costs anywhere from 50% - 100% to the product’s retail price.

So, while there is a real problem, the solution isn’t simple to this. Maybe, that is the reason, displacing it as e-waste is in the trend now. Hope this helps you with some perspective.

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