QNA > W > Quali Varietà Di Colture Possono Essere Coltivate Verticalmente Sul Tetto O In Spazi Aperti Personali In India Per Il Consumo Personale?

Quali varietà di colture possono essere coltivate verticalmente sul tetto o in spazi aperti personali in India per il consumo personale?


Depending on the space and the orientation of the sun you can grow most of the crops that have been mentioned in the answers before this. There are people who have also grown grown papaya and Banana very successfully on terrace in Kerala.

A few suggestions:

  1. Depending on the place you are living and the amount of sunlight you get please select the crops.
  2. Now crops such as cauliflower, cabbage, etc are ones that occupy horizontal space and do not have vertical growth.
  3. So if you grow plants such as peas, cowpea, Coccinia, and trailing plants like all gourds you will be able to utilise the vertical aspect also. so you can have a balance of space utilization.
  4. Now if this difficult, you can form a group where each one grows a set of crops that the other person does not grow and you exchange among yourselves the excess.
  5. I know of a few residents associations who do this and sell the excess from a common point. All this is possible. Imagination and co operation among residents is all that is needed. see: NIRAVU.
  6. The above example is an exception they even have a Farmers Club assisted by NABARD to them. Its an example of what residents association do other then just sending mass petitions to local authorities to clear drainage, repair roads, etc…Please note such associations survive only on income generation else they will depend only on the interest of the person who takes the initiative.

All the best….

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