QNA > I > Se La Serie Bridgerton Di Julia Quinn Diventasse Una Serie Di Film O Una Serie Tv, Come Sarebbe Il Cast?

Se la serie Bridgerton di Julia Quinn diventasse una serie di film o una serie TV, come sarebbe il cast?

Malik Hurney

Ho letto solo i primi quattro libri della serie, quindi tenendo questo in mente:

Daphne Bridgerton - Anne Hathaway


Simon Basset - Aidan Turner


Anthony Bridgerton - Henry Cavill


Kate Sheffield - Keira Knightley


Benedict Bridgerton - Jake Gyllenhaal


Sophie Beckett - Lily James (per l'ovvio motivo, Cenerentola)


Colin Bridgerton - Sam Claflin


Penelope Featherington - Karen Gillan


Some of the other options/combinations i had in mind:

  • Christian Bale for Simon Basset, specially because of his chemistry with Anne Hathaway in TDKR.
  • Ian Somerhalder as Colin.
  • I considered making Henry Cavill Colin with Amy Adams Penelope (yes, because of Man of Steel :D)
  • Andrew Garfield as Colin
  • Emily Blunt as Kate
  • Aidan Turner as Anthony
  • Jamie Dornan as Benedict
  • To be honest i didn’t really like Book #3 (Benedict x Sophie) and that was the hardest for me to choose. Of course Richard Madden x Lily James would fit because of Cinderella, but I didn’t like Benedict and I didn’t think Richard M’s Prince in Cinderella was very “Benedict”-ish. It also wasn’t how he looked in my head.
  • I only remembered the hair colours in the books so I’ve tried to remain faithful to that :)

And some others:

Lady Danbury - Diana Rigg


(Or Maggie Smith)

Violet Bridgerton - I actually don’t remember if she had dark hair like her kids or if that was something they got from their dad, but then hair colour can always be changed, so - Julie Andrews


Edit - Just realized Julie Andrews is 81 (??!!) which would make her older than my Landy Danbury but, oh well. :D

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