Come si chiama il basilico in Tamil e in Hindi?
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Una pianta geneticamente modificata ha fatto sostituire la clorofilla con un pigmento super efficiente che assorbe la luce verde per la fotosintesi. Che aspetto avrebbe questa pianta e perché?
Cosa succede al tuo piatto se sostituisci il basilico italiano con il basilico thailandese? Possono essere intercambiabili?
I think I know what you are talking about.
Is this the one that has flowers which look similar to the tulsi flowers and has a strong smell and black seeds that swell up into a translucemt white thing??
If that is the one, then it is called Thiruneer Patthiri in Tamil.
I don't know what it's called in Hindi but the seeds are called Sabja seeds and are used in drinks such as sharbat and faluda.
P.S:You could also post a picture of the plant, so people can have a look it before answering your question.Hope this helps.
Below is a picture of the plant I am talking about.