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Quanti petali ha la rosa tipica?


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Guarda, non so niente di rose. Un'amica pensava di ingraziarsi mia madre, potando tutte le sue rose, quando mia madre è tornata, era un po' arrabbiata: non dovrebbero mai essere potate.

Perciò perché il mio interesse qui? Ancora una volta, è il mio studio su come venivano evocati gli uomini divini dell'antichità. Un sito importante è la città fortificata di frontiera di Dura Europos, che si affaccia sull'Eufrate, ha un battistero molto antico, un frammento probabilmente scritto da Bardaisan, e alcuni graffiti e murales interessanti, come questo:

Pittura murale di Giulio Terenzio che esegue un sacrificio, pittura su gesso, H. 107,0 cm, L. 165,0 cm Dal Tempio di Bel, Dura-Europos, ca. 239 CE Yale University Art Gallery, Yale-French Excavations at Dura-Europos: 1931.386 Photography © 2011 Yale University Art Gallery


Notice, lower left:


Above: Flower between the Tyches of Palmyra and Dura Europos

I wrote about this, here: Resurrection rosette

Cultural references


A Christian legend of unknown origin proclaims that the cross used to crucify Jesus was constructed of dogwood.[24] As the story goes, during the time of Jesus, the dogwood was larger and stronger than it is today and was the largest tree in the area of Jerusalem. After His Crucifixion, Jesus changed the plant to its current form: He shortened it and twisted its branches to assure an end to its use for the construction of crosses.[25] He also transformed its inflorescence into a representation of the Crucifixion itself, with the four white bracts cross-shaped representing the four corners of the Cross, each bearing a rusty indentation as of a nail, the red stamens of the flower representing Jesus' Crown of Thorns, and the clustered red fruit representing His Blood.[26][27]
24. The Old Legend of the Dogwood
25. Jeffrey G. Meyer (2004). The Tree Book: A Practical Guide to Selecting and Maintaining the Best Trees for Your Yard and Garden. Simon and Schuster. pp. 258–. ISBN 978-0-7432-4974-4.
26. Thomas E. Barden (1991). Virginia Folk Legends. University of Virginia Press. pp. 61–. ISBN 978-0-8139-1335-3.
27. Ronald L. Baker (1 August 1984). Hoosier Folk Legends. Indiana University Press. pp. 7–. ISBN 0-253-20334-1.

Here, we see how the pagan mythology as at Dura Europos is later adopted - as so often - by Christianity.

We see such a floral emblem on Herodian tombs:

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And more.

That’s my interest in roses.

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