QNA > W > Perché Alcune Persone Tollerano Un Clima Freddo Meglio Di Altre?

Perché alcune persone tollerano un clima freddo meglio di altre?

Skippie Mcshane

Sometimes it’s a matter of body type I think. I’m very sensitive to the cold and generally start to feel like I need a sweater if the temperature dips into the 60s.

I weigh 115 pounds soaking wet.

Beyond myself, anecdotally, those I’ve known who are thin also tend to express concern about being cold more than those who’ve got some body fat for insulation.

It’s not just body type though. I think some people are simply better at accepting the need to dress for the climate. When I had a job where I was outside a lot in all kinds of weather I dressed for it and had the clothing ready for it: long underwear, long-sleeve shirts, wool sweaters, down overcoats, etc. Now that I don’t have to be outside so much I tend not to have the clothing prepared for it... so I head out somewhat underdressed and freeze and complain about it! LOL!

  • MJM, the abominably skinny snowman…
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Perché alcune persone sentono freddo e altre sentono caldo dopo aver mangiato? :: Tulsi ji (basilico) non dovrebbe essere toccato nemmeno dopo la sera. Quali sono le ragioni dietro questo?
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