QNA > C > Si Può Usare La Vermiculite Per Fare Un Sistema Idroponico A Goccia?

Si può usare la vermiculite per fare un sistema idroponico a goccia?

Licko Pankow
  1. a yellow or brown mineral found as an alteration product of mica and other minerals, used for insulation or as a moisture-retentive medium for growing plants. Vermiculite is a commonly used dry, loose fill material added to soil.
  2. Pure vermiculite does not contain asbestos and is non-toxic. Impure vermiculite may contain, apart from asbestos, also minor diopside or remnants of the precursor minerals biotite or phlogopite.

. Different media are appropriate for different growing techniques.

  1. Like perlite, vermiculite is a mineral that has been superheated until it has expanded into light pebbles. Vermiculite holds more water than perlite and has a natural wicking property that can draw water and nutrients in a passive hydroponic system. If too much water and not enough air surrounds the plants roots, it is possible to gradually lower the medium's water-retention capability by mixing in increasing quantities of perlite.
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