QNA > H > Come Coltivare Una Pianta Di Nimbu In Casa

Come coltivare una pianta di nimbu in casa

Malley Swasey


  1. Moisten the potting soil so that it is damp, but not soaked, all the way through.
  2. Fill the smaller pot with soil, all the way up to an inch below the rim.
  3. Cut open your lemon and remove a seed. Remove all of the pulp from its surface. A good way to do this is to simply suck on it until it is clean.
  4. Do not delay to plant. The seed must still be moist when it is buried into the soil in the smaller pot. Plant the seed about half an inch deep in the middle of the pot.
  5. Spray the soil that is directly above the seed gently with water from a spray bottle.
  6. Cover the pot with clear plastic wrap, seal the edges with a good rubber band, and poke small holes in the top with a pencil.
  7. Place the pot in a warm, sunny location.
  8. Spray on more water occasionally, not allowing the soil to dry out. Do not cause water to puddle though. Just keep the soil somewhat moist.
  9. After about two weeks, when the sproutling emerges, take the plastic covering off. If you need additional light for your lemon plant, you can use a grow light to supplement the sun's light.
  10. Take care of the young plant by keeping the soil damp, by making sure it gets at least eight full hours of light per day, and by giving it moderate doses of organic fertiliser like compost.
  11. Watch over your plant to ensure it is not attacked by bugs or diseases. Prune off brown, dead leaves when necessary.
  12. When the plant outgrows its small pot, put it in the larger pot. You will go through much the same procedure when you re-plant it as when you first planted. Younger plants need more water than older plants, but they all do need adequate water. Don't starve your poor plant after all that work of growing it!

Piante e fiori sono la bellezza della natura. Aggiungono un ambiente piacevole e rinfrescante al nostro ambiente.





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sono alcune delle piante da giardino più facili da coltivare in casa e anche questo con meno cure e manutenzione.

Fonte immagine: my phone gallery.

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